My little Jade babe is 1 month old today. She is honestly the perfect little addition to our family. She is a chill, go-with-the-flow baby. She only cries when she is hungry or has gas. I just love this chunky baby of mine.
Jade sleeps great throughout the day. As long as she is changed and fed, she will sleep all day long especially if I'm wearing her, but she loves the swing too. Night time is a little more difficult. For whatever reason it is harder to get her to fall asleep initially and will only stay asleep if I am holding her. If we try to lay her down in the rock and play or baby nest, she will wake up within 5 minutes. Some nights she does better than others. Luckily, she never stays awake at night, she will nurse for a few minutes and then fall back to sleep.
If all else fails, babywear. Jade always falls asleep in the Sollybaby Wrap or Wildbird Ring sling. Any time I go out with both girls, Jade is in the carrier and sleeps the whole time. They are magical and leaves me handsfree to stop my toddler from getting into trouble.
Breastfeeding seems to be the same now as it was with Isla. The first two weeks are really hard because my milk comes in fast and strong, I was always engorged, I always had to pump because Jade didn't eat enough for relief, my nipples get extremely sore, I got at least two clogged ducts that caused me to get the worst chills, I woke up soaked every night, honestly I could go on. But as soon as the third week hit my milk regulated, my nipples weren't sore anymore, I didn't have to pump, and we seem to be smooth sailing for now. Jade typically eats every couple of hours for 6 minutes at a time. Nights she typically goes 3 hours but we've gone to 5 hours before.
Isla loves Jade. The first time they met made my heart explode. There have been endless hugs, kisses, and sister holding ever since. Honestly she smoothers Jade with love. In the beginning she did not seem to be very jealous. But Isla got sick recently and did not want me holding her sister. All she wanted to do was cuddle on the couch or for me to hold her, which was difficult to do when I had a crying, nursing baby. She told me multiple times to put Jade down. Now that Isla is feeling better she doesn't get as jealous, but she does ask to be held more often and has become a total daddy's girl. She constantly says "that's my baby sister," tries to calm Jade when she is crying, burps her after a feeding, brings me diapers, etc. She really is a great big sister.
Being a mom of two is hard especially when one of them is sick. If Robby wasn't superdad, I probably would lose my mind. I also have some pretty awesome friends constantly offering their help and support. As hard as it is, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love my girls more than words can describe, and there is no better feeling than being loved by them.
Height: 21" at 2 weeks old
Weight: 9 pounds at 2 weeks old
Loves: Sleeping on mama, mama's milk, being carried in the Sollybaby wrap and Wildbird ring sling, when we talk to her.
Hates: Being strapped into her carseat and having her clothes changed. But she she doesn't cry every time like she used to. Gas is the worst.
Milestones: She has lifted her head since birth but has better control now. She pushes herself forward when on our chest or doing tummy time. She's even rolled to her side a couple of times. I can't get over how strong she is. She started cooing her first week and is doing it more often now. She is starting to smile a little more, but I don't think it is intentional yet. She takes any bottle with no problem and like the Soothie and Nuk pacifiers.
Looking Forward To: Her smiling more often and hearing her laugh for the first time. I can't wait to see Isla and Jade's relationship blossom.