Isla Ann is 3 years old. She is such a light in our family. I love how happy she is, how much love and affection she gives to us all, and her compassion for those who are upset. Isla absolutely loves being a big sister.
At 3 years old Isla:
- Is the best big sister
- Says her ABCs, and identify at least half of the alphabet
- Can almost count to 20, she still gets a little mixes up between 15 and 20.
- loves to stack blocks as high as they'll go (and even books)
- is obsessed with listening and singing along to the Frozen soundtrack
- Some of her favorite movies and shows include: Wall-e, Frozen, Paw Patrol, Bubble Guppies, Daniel Tiger and sometimes Peppa Pig.
- Attended her first summer camp for a week and loved it for the most part. She does not like when I drop her off, but doesn't cry for long after I'm gone.
- Had her first day of school. She seems to like it.
- loves to swim! She is not afraid of the water at all.
We celebrated Isla's birthday on the 11th with a backyard party. We rented a bounce house, waterslide, Robby made pulled pork, and we had all of her little friends over. I honestly believe she had the time of her life. She did not want it to end and was so sad when the bounce house was gone.
Isla's biggest hurdle this year has been potty training by far. We started two weeks after she turned 2 and are still working on it to this day. It's honestly been a complete roller coaster filled with triumphs and regressions. I keep trying to throw in the towel but can never do it completely. At some point in the process she has become completely afraid of pooping on the potty. She flat out refuses to do it. She rarely had pee accidents for months, but has recently gone through a regression. I do wish I would have done things differently, but I didn't and will work with where we are. It is super discouraging seeing other kids being potty trained in such a short amount of time when we've been working on this for over a year. I know she is completely capable of doing it we just have to jump this hurdle holding her back. I am honestly hoping seeing other kids at school using the potty will make it all click for her.
Being a mom is hard. I'm tired 95% of the time, I lose my cool more than I'd like to admit, I second guess most of my decisions, I let my well being come second, and I feel like everything I try to do for my child goes unappreciated. But is 100% worth it. Isla may throw a fit for one reason or another, but she gets passed them quickly (usually). Some days she doesn't want to eat anything but pretzels, and then other days she eats everything including her vegetables. One day she has multiple accidents and then the next day she actually poops on the potty. And one day she may whine for every single thing under the sun, but that same day she will ask to dance with me in the kitchen. I don't think I would appreciate all of the highs as much if there weren't a few lows to learn and grow from.
Height: Around 36"; 25th percentile
Weight: Around 26 pounds; 25th percentile
Loves: Her family, swimming, the playground (the swing is still her fav.), chocolate milk, hot dogs, Frozen, building with blocks, playing doctor
Hates: When we turn off the tv (but she gets over it quickly), bedtime (but she falls asleep quickly),
Milestones: copies us constantly, plays make believe, knows her name and age and names of immediate family and close friends, knows colors, can sing the alphabet and identify most letters, can have full conversations with us.
Looking Forward To: Isla being completely potty trained. haha But also going on a plane or train with her because she asks to go on one every time they pass by.