33 Week Update

8:32 AM

At 33 weeks I am officially ready for Baby B to arrive. I mean I want her to stay in until the 31st at least, but I have everything I need to accommodate a newborn. I think.

I was waiting until after my baby shower to do any serious shopping, and I haven't really stopped since. All week I have researched, shopped, returned and shopped some more. Even today I went on a little clothing shopping spree for Little B. So many good sales, so little time. By far my favorite baby clothing store is Baby Gap. Today they had an additional 50% off of clearance, so I couldn't resist. The quality and style is right up my alley.

We do have all of the baby gadgets now too. I want so badly to put everything so use, but we don't have a baby to put in them yet. I thought I would feel so much better after having everything prepared, but now I just have a bunch of new stuff waiting to be used. 

I was also debating on buying a couple of other baby books (Brining up Bebe and The Happiest Baby on the Block), but remembered I have about 20 libraries in Jacksonville at my disposal. I found that both books were at the library closest to my parent's house, so I was able to pick them up that day. I am loving Brining up Bebe by Pamela Druckerman at the moment. I am learning so much! 

I held a 2 month old, chunky baby today and had this overwhelming excitement come over me. For a split second I thought, "I want a baby!" And I quickly remembered I have one in the making right now! I cannot wait to hold my

How far along: 33 weeks! 7 weeks to go. Less than 50 days....

Gender: GIRL!

Weight gain:  None that I know of.

Symptoms: I haven't noticed any new symptoms, but I still have all of the old ones. I am feeling a lot more crowding in my ribs. Baby B's are also a lot stronger and sometimes a little painful.

Belly button in or out: Out.

Sleep: I thought I finally hit the point of no sleep that all women talk about. I had about three days of terrible sleep (I couldn't fall asleep and would wake up multiple times at night), but then I had three nights of great sleep. I didn't even have to get up to pee. I really hope the great sleep continues because I know I won't get much once Little B gets here.

Best moment this week: I would have to say her movements would be the best moments this week. The past few days she has moved nonstop. I wonder if she is even sleeping. I can now see my stomach moving in waves because of all of the flips and turns she is making. I was even able to catch it on video to watch over and over.

Worst moment this week: The poor sleeping nights were definitely the worst this week. I would just lay there in bed bored out of my mind. I usually couldn't find a comfortable position because of the belly or indigestion. 

Miss anything: Being able to travel whenever I please. I really want to go on another trip before Baby B comes, but I don't think I can. Even just driving to Savannah or Orlando would mean I would have to stop 10 times to pee. I also have the fear of going into labor early, so I don't want to travel too far from the hospital. 

Movement: I have one strong baby moving inside of me. Like I said before, she is flipping around nonstop and even giving me a few painful jabs. I feel like she is trying to escape at times.

Cravings: I'm craving coke again. I hate that I want something so bad for me and baby.

Looking forward to: My ultrasound on Monday, of course! It will most likely be my last one before she arrives.

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