I Have a Two-Month-Old

1:58 PM

Miss Isla Ann,

Today you are 2 months old, and I'm desperately trying to find a way to slow down time.

Here are a few things you may not remember from you second month of life:

  • Met your Great Pawpaw Jesse. He called you squirt and tried to wash your face. I'm so glad you were able to meet him before he passed.
  • Traveled to Alabama twice and slept during all four seven-hour car rides. My sweet little traveler.
  • Rolled over four times during tummy time (which you rock at by the way).
  • Learned to hold your head up like a true pro.
  • Managed to melt our hearts with your constant cooing and smiling. Seriously, nothing in the world makes me happier.
  • Fit into size two diapers and 3-6 month clothing before you hit 8 weeks. Thus, making mom super emotional because you're growing too fast.
  • Continued to get the hiccups at least once a day. Something you've done since your days in the womb. 
  • Only cried for a couple of minutes when you got your two-month shots. I was more affected by them than you were. You were your usual happy self the entire appointment, and the doctor said you are growing like a weed. Unfortunately, once you woke up from your nap you cried in pain for a good 30 minutes, and I felt so helpless. But it didn't take long for you to get back to your regular happy self.
I honestly don't know why I was blessed with the honor of being your mother, but I thank God every day that I was. You are the happiest, most relaxed little girl. You are always so content and only fuss when you really need something. You bring so much light into our lives, Isla B.

Height: 23" (75 percentile) 

Weight: 13.7 pounds! (100 percentile) 

Loves: Her Pawpaw, bath time, naps with momma, being swaddled and music. Sam Smith is her favorite, and I can't say that I blame her.

Hates: I can't think of anything that she doesn't like at the moment. Sometimes she fusses when she has her clothes changed or put in her carseat but not every time.

Milestones: Smiles, holds up head, rolled over four times, looks at you while you talk to her, moves her head around and takes in her surroundings.

Clothing/diaper Size: 3-6 month clothing and size 2 diapers.

Looking Forward To: Taking her to my favorite places like Savannah and Jekyll Island.

Isla Ann// 2 Months from J+R on Vimeo.

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