Month 4
2:57 PMThis post may be very scattered, so bare with me...
Sweet little Isla B is now 4 months old. Her eyes are more vibrant and her hair is slowly falling out. She actually has the funniest hair line at the moment and a bald spot on the back of her head. I feel like her eyes and hair color change everyday, so I still can't decide if she will have mine or Robby's features.
I feel like there is very little that she isn't doing. I'm sure every parent thinks their child is so smart and advanced for their age, but I really think Isla is. I can't get over everything she does and learns every day.
She rolls over from back to tummy with ease. But she refuses to roll from tummy to back because she much prefers being on her stomach. She even sleeps on her tummy now. Isla sleeps fairly well now too. She usually takes one or two very long naps (2-3 hours) during the day and a few shorter ones. At night she will usually go for a 6 hour stretch wake to eat and then wakes around 5 AM. Robby usually gets up with her in the mornings and that has become their time together. Thank goodness for that because I really need that extra hour or two of sleep.
Since she is doing so much tummy time she is quickly figuring out how to move around. She's recently started scooting around on the floor. Granted her face is usually pressed against the ground and her little feet are pushing with all of their might, but she does get some traction and moves a few inches.
Isla is showing far more interest in her toys now. She loves her little deer doll named Jane and Baby B Rattle Balls. She loves holding onto both and putting them in her mouth as most babies do.
This month she has become much more ticklish, which means lots of belly laughs. I love it more than anything else. She has the most infectious laugh. She truly is such a happy baby. Isla will smile at almost anyone. And any time she is tired and fussy, trusty ole Sam Smith will sing her to sleep. Honestly, she can be having a screaming fit and as soon as Sam Smith is singing into her ear she will calm right now. Our greatest investment in terms of things for the baby is his CD.
I was given so many warnings of how my life would change and difficult having a baby is, and I was worried out of my mind because of it. But I have to say that I've experienced the opposite. It was such a smooth transition having a baby. I think we decided to have a baby at the right time and everything kind of just fell into place from there. Robby and I are already homebodies, so we didn't have to make any huge life changes once she arrived. But I also think part of it is because she is such an easy baby. She is happy no matter what we are doing. I just love this sweet girl more than I could have ever imagined. Both Robby and I had separate moments yesterday where we cried because the love was so overwhelming. These little moments that make my heart melt instantly. Like just now when she reached up to touch my face.
Height: 25 1/2" which puts her around the 90th percentile.
Weight: 16 pounds 9 ounces which puts her over the 90th percentile.
Loves: Everything! But she always has her hands on her deer doll and blankie (which I found at Marshalls for $5. Steal!)
Hates: Shots at the doctors. But she still handles them so well.
Milestones: She has about 5 teeth coming in and more drool than her little bibs can handle. She is also rolling from back to tummy, starting to sit up and showing interest in her feet.
Clothing/diaper Size: 3-6 month clothing and some 9 month. Size 3 diapers.
Looking Forward To: Traveling with her!