10:38 AMI cannot believe Isla is halfway to 1 year old. Did I not just give birth to this little angel?
This little lady is blowing us away with how much she has learned in such a short amount of time.
Isla can now crawl! Just a few days ago she took several crawls in a row, and she hasn't stopped since. She even crawled to her pediatrician today at her appointment. This of course completely surprised the doctor because it isn't until 9 months that babies typically crawl.
Pulling Up
I had to move Isla's crib mattress down a notch because she is now pulling herself up in her crib. She is doing it now as I type this. This is making nap time much more difficult.
Sitting Up
One milestone that I wasn't expecting to see was Isla putting herself in the seated position! She has been able to sit up on her own for a while, but a week or so ago she got on her hands and kness then scooted herself back and sat up right.
We recently started Isla on solids as well. I thought I would make it to 6 months, but I caved at 5 months and 1 week. She just seemed so interested in food. We are skipping baby cereal and purees and going the baby-led weaning route. Her first ever bite was of a banana. She isn't too keen on those yet. But we've also given her avocado, tomato, cucumber, peach, mashed potato and spaghetti. She definitely prefers her veggies.
Although Isla has only been in our lives for a short time, I can't remember a time without her. She has brought so much light and happiness into our family. I love her more than anything! Robby and I keep talking about more kids. If they all turned out to be as amazing as Isla, I would probably have 15. I love being pregnant, giving birth and being a mom.
Height: 27" (95th percentile)
Weight: 18.8 pounds (90th percentile)
Loves: Cucumbers, our dogs, pulling hair, and putting everything in her mouth.
Hates: Having her clothes changed and sitting still.
Milestones: Crawling, pulling up, putting herself in the sitting position, first tooth and eating solids!
Clothing/diaper Size: size 4 diapers and she is almost out of all 3-6 month clothing and fitting more into 9 months.
Looking Forward To: Our first family vacation in March!