Another Update: 31 Weeks Pregnant

5:37 PM

I am in such a better place now than I was a few weeks back. I still have my stressed, worn-out, need a break moments, but overall I am feeling good. Where to start?

30.3 weeks at Amazing Grace Crop Farms

I am 31 weeks pregnant. Baby girl is about the size of a coconut and weights roughly 3.5 pounds. It's funny because Robby is actually obsessed with coconuts at the moment, so baby's size is very fitting. haha She is going absolutely nuts in my belly right now. I can see my belly move all over the place and even feel her little body when I press down. I feel her at my hip and ribs at the same time, which is different than Isla because I don't remember feeling her kick my hips. I am also feeling her on my cervix, and I'm hoping that's her head and not her feet. I feel like I can't bend over anymore or I might squash her. I swear my belly is the size of a basketball today. Could be due to bloat, the way she is laying or I'm really just that big now. haha

I don't have to many aches or pains. My feet might hurt if I walk too much, but is that really any different than when I'm not pregnant? No. I do feel sore after a long day or tired, but that is really nothing crazy. I think I'm just more uncomfortable more than anything, which I will take any day over a pinched nerve or any pain really. I wonder if that's because I'm doing yoga now. I'm sure that helped strengthen my body. Also, essential oils are really helping to even out my mood. Thieves is my current favorite because it smells just like Christmas. It puts me in a much better, productive mood.

Isla is also doing much better. She was going through several weeks of the "terrible twos". Testing every boundary she could. It was getting really draining and disheartening to be honest. But for about a week now she is doing loads better. She still has her moments, but what 2 year old doesn't? She now listens most of the time, is being her sweet self with lots of hugs and kisses, sleeping better, using the potty more, even playing better with her friends.

Speaking of sleeping, we moved her to a toddler bed! No more crib! Woohoo! It was getting really hard for me to get her in and out of the crib, so having her toddler bed is so awesome. We've tried in the past to transition her, but wouldn't really give it a real effort. Then Robby randomly started taking her crib down one morning and we haven't looked back. Ok so it hasn't even been a week yet, but still she pretty much took to it right away. She fought her first nap by crying, getting out of bed and opening the door, that kind of thing. But I decided to go back in there, lay her down, read her a book, and rub her head. She passed out before I finished Corduroy (one of her favorite books). She slept for over two hours. Then at night we read to her again, tucked her in, and she woke up around 11:15 PM crying, then went back to sleep. But my 1 AM she snuck into our room and slept with us the rest of the night. I was too tired to take her back to her bed. But since then she has slept entirely in her bed without fighting it or getting out. It is seriously amazing how easy that transition has been. Nothing compared to potty training.

That reminds me that Isla had a double ear infection recently, which I think contributed to the crabby mood and poor sleep for a couple of nights. It honestly felt like we had a newborn again. But we got her some meds and she was back to herself the next day.

Isla is also being the cutest person ever when it comes to her baby sister. We have an ultrasounds picture on the shelf at Isla's eye level, and she is constantly going over to it and saying "baby sister". She knows her sisters name and knows which room is hers and that certain items are for baby. There are just so many cute things she is saying about the baby too. I know she doesn't quite get it yet, but I think it will all click once baby sister is born.

One thing I always seem to forget to mention is the fact that I have stretch marks. I got them on the underside of my boobs with Isla, but this time I have none on my boobs so far and all of them on my hips and butt. There are scary bad or anything, but they are there. None on my belly though, and I don't have the linea nigra either. But there is still time for both to show up.

 28.3 weeks in Bradenton, FL
 29 weeks
 29.3 at Congaree and Penn
 30 weeks
30.1 weeks at the fair

How far along: 31 weeks! 

Gender: A sweet, little girl!

Weight gain: At my appointment a week ago I was 137, so I've gained 22 pounds. I'm actually ok with that. I thought I was the exact same weight I was my first pregnancy at the point, but I just looked back and I was 145! Maybe yoga is helping me gain less because my diet is not the best right now.

Symptoms: Braxton hicks are more frequent and uncomfortable, stretch marks on my bum, boobs leak a little, more discharge, Nesting!!!!, restless legs at night.

Sleep: I wake up more throughout the night. If I wake up, then I have to go pee. Luckily I can get back to sleep quickly though. However, the initial falling asleep process is long because I am so uncomfortable.

Best moment this week: We've had a lot of fun doing all sorts of fall activities with Isla, which has been great! But best moment to do with baby girl has to be Isla talking about her more.

Worst moment this week: I had a break down recently. It was a buildup of all of the stress and hormones I think. I finally just started crying because Isla was being a handful and I could not find one thing in my closet that fit me properly. 

Miss anything: Clothes that fit, tummy sleeping, being able to lay still.

Movement: I think I wrote enough about her movements above.

Cravings: Coke. I want it daily. Ice.

Looking forward to: My next ultrasound at 32 weeks. I just want the Doctor to confirm everything is ok, baby is a good size and she is head down. Crossing my fingers that will be the case.

 A sneak peek of the nursery. It's already changed a little since these were taken.

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