Jade Eloise: 5-8 Month Update
10:47 AM
Jade turned 5 months old a week ago. She’s working on sitting up unassisted and pushing up to get on her knees. She has a continuous stream of drool coming out of her mouth, but no teeth yet. She has million nicknames just like her sister did, including, but not limited to, Jadie Babe, Jade the Babe, sweet cheeks and roly poly.
Six months ago today this little girl rushed into the world. I’m glad she didn’t keep us waiting because every second has been a blessing. Jade is finally sleeping longer stretches at night. She sits up unassisted and is starting to get up on her knees. No teeth yet, but we still have a constant stream of drool. Baba is her favorite word. We had some milk production issues on my end, but I think we are on the up and up again.
7 months old. I love watching her grow but also want her to stay little forever. This month Jade cut her first tooth, started sleeping better at night and taking her long nap during Isla’s nap time 🙌, she’s starting to warm up to the idea of eating solids, and is still the happiest baby.
Huge mom fail. I can't believe Jade's last update was at 4 months and now she is 8 months! Sorry, Jade, you and your sister are keeping me busy.
Where do I even start?
First tooth: Jade finally got her first tooth between month 6 and 7. I feel like she was teething forever, so it was a relief to see that tooth pop through. Her second tooth decided to come through a month later. Usually teeth come in in pairs, so I don't know why her's are taking their time. haha
Crawling: Jade is on the move now! She started crawling full force at 7 months. She started sitting unassisted and without falling over between month 5 and 6. Now she is pulling up like a pro and even taking a couple of small steps. She will be cruising the furniture in no time. I love watching her work so hard every day to accomplish each milestone and then seeing it click for her.
Talking: Jade is pretty much only saying dada at the moment. She has said baba and mama in the past, but pretty much only says dada or screeches. I love it though.
Eating: Jade is a picky eater. She loves mummums, sometimes strawberries, sometimes beans, loved spaghetti with meet sauce, applesauce, bread, sometimes oatmeal, but pretty much throws everything else on the floor. I'm just glad she isn't gagging all the time now. She is still primarily breastfed, but does have 4-8 ounces of formula a day just to make sure she is getting enough. She doesn't always drink it all, but it gives me peace of mind.
Sleep: Jade's sleep is all over the place. I don't feel like we have any sort of consistency or routine. To be honest I don't remember how we did it with Isla. She typically naps three times a day with her longest nap being around noon, but to be honest the length of the naps always vary. At night she wakes anywhere from 0-2 times a night. We try to get both girls down by 8 PM, but Jade will fight it sometimes. She occasionally sleeps all the way to 5 AM, eats, then goes back to sleep for an hour or two. Other times she wakes at 1 or 3 in the morning and then again at 5. It's harder to try sleep training because I'm afraid of Jade waking Isla and Jade doesn't take a paci so it's harder to sooth her.
Height: I don't remember
Weight: 17 pounds
Loves: Bath time is her favorite, bread, being mobile.
Hates: Being put into the carseat, when I leave the room.
Milestones: Crawling, pulling up on things, eating well
Looking Forward To: All of the fall time activities we get to do as a family!