This post may be very scattered, so bare with me...
Sweet little Isla B is now 4 months old. Her eyes are more vibrant and her hair is slowly falling out. She actually has the funniest hair line at the moment and a bald spot on the back of her head. I feel like her eyes and hair color change everyday, so I still can't decide if she will have mine or Robby's features.
I feel like there is very little that she isn't doing. I'm sure every parent thinks their child is so smart and advanced for their age, but I really think Isla is. I can't get over everything she does and learns every day.
She rolls over from back to tummy with ease. But she refuses to roll from tummy to back because she much prefers being on her stomach. She even sleeps on her tummy now. Isla sleeps fairly well now too. She usually takes one or two very long naps (2-3 hours) during the day and a few shorter ones. At night she will usually go for a 6 hour stretch wake to eat and then wakes around 5 AM. Robby usually gets up with her in the mornings and that has become their time together. Thank goodness for that because I really need that extra hour or two of sleep.
Since she is doing so much tummy time she is quickly figuring out how to move around. She's recently started scooting around on the floor. Granted her face is usually pressed against the ground and her little feet are pushing with all of their might, but she does get some traction and moves a few inches.
Isla is showing far more interest in her toys now. She loves her little deer doll named Jane and Baby B Rattle Balls. She loves holding onto both and putting them in her mouth as most babies do.
This month she has become much more ticklish, which means lots of belly laughs. I love it more than anything else. She has the most infectious laugh. She truly is such a happy baby. Isla will smile at almost anyone. And any time she is tired and fussy, trusty ole Sam Smith will sing her to sleep. Honestly, she can be having a screaming fit and as soon as Sam Smith is singing into her ear she will calm right now. Our greatest investment in terms of things for the baby is his CD.
I was given so many warnings of how my life would change and difficult having a baby is, and I was worried out of my mind because of it. But I have to say that I've experienced the opposite. It was such a smooth transition having a baby. I think we decided to have a baby at the right time and everything kind of just fell into place from there. Robby and I are already homebodies, so we didn't have to make any huge life changes once she arrived. But I also think part of it is because she is such an easy baby. She is happy no matter what we are doing. I just love this sweet girl more than I could have ever imagined. Both Robby and I had separate moments yesterday where we cried because the love was so overwhelming. These little moments that make my heart melt instantly. Like just now when she reached up to touch my face.
Height: 25 1/2" which puts her around the 90th percentile.
Weight: 16 pounds 9 ounces which puts her over the 90th percentile.
Loves: Everything! But she always has her hands on her deer doll and blankie (which I found at Marshalls for $5. Steal!)
Hates: Shots at the doctors. But she still handles them so well.
Milestones: She has about 5 teeth coming in and more drool than her little bibs can handle. She is also rolling from back to tummy, starting to sit up and showing interest in her feet.
Clothing/diaper Size: 3-6 month clothing and some 9 month. Size 3 diapers.
Looking Forward To: Traveling with her!
My sweet, little B is 3 months young today. What a glorious, fantastic, fulfilling, tiring, emotional three months it's been.
Breastfeeding could not be going better. My milk has finally regulated, so Isla rarely chokes or gets sprayed in the face by the let down. She eats every 2-3 hours during the day and only once at night if at all. She is still a very efficient eater and only takes 5-10 minutes to eat.
Bedtime Routine
One of my favorite things from this month was the start of Isla's bedtime routine. Honestly from the first time that we tried it she goes right to sleep. Except for the one time that she took a late nap, it took us a little longer to get her down.
- Bath at around 7-8 PM. We don't use soap every bath because that will dry out her skin, but we do play in the water every night.
- After about 10-15 minutes we get her out, dry her off, lotion her up and put on a onesie.
- I will feed her in her rocking chair for 10 minutes or until she is finished.
- Then Robby will read her a book as I continue to rock her.
- If she hasn't fallen asleep by then, we usually give her a paci and will continue to rock her.
- After she dozes off, I will wrap her up in her SwaddleMe and place her in her crib.
She will sleep for a 7-9 hour stretch. When she does wake up its to eat, but she will go right back to sleep for another 2-3 hours. I honestly can't believe how easy it was to transition her to the crib. It's been over a week of this, and I couldn't be happier.
The odd thing is I'm getting more sleep, but I'm still exhausted throughout the day and need to nap.
Isla's very first tooth is popping through! She's been drooling and chewing on her hand for so long now, but I thought she was too young to be teething. But I decided to look at her gums a few days ago, and sure enough there is a tooth coming in on her bottom gums! She does get a bit fussy every now and then, which is not like her at all, so we know it's because of the teeth. She does occasionally chew on teething toys or our fingers. I started to freeze her pacifiers, which she seems to like. Overall I feel like she is handling it well.
Height: 24" according to Robby's tape measure.
Weight: 15-16 pounds according to our home scale.
Loves: The ceiling fan and the mobile over her Mamaroo! She smiles and giggles at both. She also really likes her play mat. She's started swatting at the toys recently. And I think her Aunt Ashley is now one of her favorite people because Isla is always smiling and cooing at her.
Hates: When I'm putting on her onsie at night.
Milestones: She slept through the night in her crib! Her first tooth is popping through.
Clothing/diaper Size: 3-6 month clothing and size 2 diapers still.
Looking Forward To: Hearing a full on laugh attack.
Miss Isla Ann,
Today you are 2 months old, and I'm desperately trying to find a way to slow down time.
Here are a few things you may not remember from you second month of life:
- Met your Great Pawpaw Jesse. He called you squirt and tried to wash your face. I'm so glad you were able to meet him before he passed.
- Traveled to Alabama twice and slept during all four seven-hour car rides. My sweet little traveler.
- Rolled over four times during tummy time (which you rock at by the way).
- Learned to hold your head up like a true pro.
- Managed to melt our hearts with your constant cooing and smiling. Seriously, nothing in the world makes me happier.
- Fit into size two diapers and 3-6 month clothing before you hit 8 weeks. Thus, making mom super emotional because you're growing too fast.
- Continued to get the hiccups at least once a day. Something you've done since your days in the womb.
- Only cried for a couple of minutes when you got your two-month shots. I was more affected by them than you were. You were your usual happy self the entire appointment, and the doctor said you are growing like a weed. Unfortunately, once you woke up from your nap you cried in pain for a good 30 minutes, and I felt so helpless. But it didn't take long for you to get back to your regular happy self.
I honestly don't know why I was blessed with the honor of being your mother, but I thank God every day that I was. You are the happiest, most relaxed little girl. You are always so content and only fuss when you really need something. You bring so much light into our lives, Isla B.
Height: 23" (75 percentile)
Weight: 13.7 pounds! (100 percentile)
Loves: Her Pawpaw, bath time, naps with momma, being swaddled and music. Sam Smith is her favorite, and I can't say that I blame her.
Hates: I can't think of anything that she doesn't like at the moment. Sometimes she fusses when she has her clothes changed or put in her carseat but not every time.
Milestones: Smiles, holds up head, rolled over four times, looks at you while you talk to her, moves her head around and takes in her surroundings.
Clothing/diaper Size: 3-6 month clothing and size 2 diapers.
Looking Forward To: Taking her to my favorite places like Savannah and Jekyll Island.
Isla Ann// 2 Months from J+R on Vimeo.
This post can also be titled "The Best Month of My Life" because that is what it's been.
I still have this out of body experience when I look at her. I can't believe she is my daughter, and I am her mom. I thought a lot about what kind of mom I would be before I got pregnant. And when I was pregnant I couldn't wait for her to be here but feeling like that day would never actually come. Even when I was in labor I knew she was coming, but it still felt so unreal until it was time to push. That is when I was shot back into reality and knew I was about to face the most challenging time of my life.
I was afraid that there may be something medically wrong with her or even me. I was afraid she was going to be an extremely colicy baby. I was afraid that I wouldn't be a good mother. Possibly all of the above.
But as soon as she was here everything felt so right. I cried with joy to finally see my baby girl. I couldn't stop saying how beautiful she was as they wiped her off on my stomach. I felt more complete in a way as I held her for the first time. As I took care of her that first day, and every day since, it felt so natural. My motherly instinct was, and still is, so strong.
The first two weeks of Isla's life were amazing. She rarely cried, slept nonstop and was such an angel baby. I even had to wake her up at night to feed. Robby was off for the first week, so the three of us spent all day together. We took her to her first few appointments together, and the doctor's said she was perfect every time.
She was gaining weight so quickly. I don't think she's lost any weight since birth. She went from 6 pounds 13 ounces at birth to 7 pounds to 7 pounds 7 ounces. At almost 3 weeks old she weighed 9 pounds 10 ounces. I imagine she is already over 10 pounds now. She is ahead of the curb on this whole weight gain thing. My little chunky butt. I on the other hand still have a few pounds to lose. I gained 30 pounds or so during pregnancy, so I don't mind that I haven't lost in all yet. I am fitting back into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes though.
After the first couple of weeks, she did become a bit fussier. I thought I jinxed myself by telling everyone what an easy baby she was and how she never cried. She woke up more at night and fed constantly. But I remembered when babies go through growth spurts these are the symptoms.
Around the same time is when I had an infection in my breast and had to go to the ER. I had a fever, the chills and a headache, which made it very difficult to get up or pick her up. The infection wasn't harmful to her, but it made me feel like I wasn't able to care for her the best that I could. But after some Tylenol and antibiotics I was feeling better the next day.
She is not the biggest fan of pacifiers but has started taking one more regularly now. She likes the soothie pacifiers. We also gave her a bottle for the first time last Saturday when she turned four weeks old. She took it without issue which surprised me. Robby loved being able to feed her, but it won't be a regular thing just yet. I have a nice stash of breast milk in the freezer right now, so I know she will be fine if I have to leave her for any reason during the day.
One issue we are having with feeding are my overproducing boobs. The milk comes out so fast that she chokes on it during the letdown. I feel awful because she throws her head back and cries. Luckily, I learned feeding her while laying on my back really helps with that or expressing some milk before she feeds. But overproducing is also extremely messy. My clothes are usually soaked with milk that I have to change multiple time during the day. I have gone though almost 300 breast pads this month. But I would rather be overproducing instead of underproducing.
Her sweet baby scent is absolutely intoxicating, kissing her is addicting and staring at her makes me tear up with joy. I am completely obsessed with her. I feel so blessed to be her mom. And I know that Robby feels the same way about being her dad. I love seeing him love her.
Height: She was 20" as of September 4th.
Weight: 9 pounds 10 ounces as of September 4th.
Loves: Being bounced on the exercise ball, sleeping on mom and milk. Milk is her favorite.
Hates: Being put in her carseat, but she will fall asleep once we start driving. She did hate having her diaper changed and being put in clothes the first few weeks, but she is much better about both now.
Milestones: She has lifted her head since birth but has better control now. She started to coo and smile while awake at 4 weeks. I melt every time she smiles. Her smile is by far the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life. She started taking her pacifier more regularly and took a bottle for the first time with no issues at 4 weeks. She is currently in size 1 diapers and 3 month clothing.
Looking Forward To: Her smiling more often and hearing her laugh for the first time.
Her birth// 8.15.15
The first pictures I took of her// 8.15.15
The first picture of her that I shared with the world.// 8.16.15
Her first sponge bath at home// 8.18.15
After her first pediatrician appointment// 8.19.15
Her due date, 6 days old// 8.21.15
Her due date, 6 days old// 8.21.15
1 week old// 8.22.15
First family photos// 8.23.15
2 weeks old// 8.22.15
Family outing to Riverside Art Market// 8.22.15
3 weeks old// 9.5.15
4 weeks old// 9.12.15
A comparison: 5 days to 22 days.