22 Week Update
11:11 PM
Dress: F21
There isn't much to report for this week. I'm also having a bit of writer's block, but I really want to keep this blog up to have something to look back on for this pregnancy.
This week little Baby Baggett is nearly a pound and as long as an ear of corn, which is very fitting because that is exactly what I am craving. Corn on the cob with butter, salt and pepper is the BEST. I didn't manage to do any yoga this week, but I watched my Godson for a few days, so I did get some exercise in since I couldn't put him down for more than five minutes. We also got our car back on Friday. I've felt trapped in my own home for the last two weeks so having my car back makes me a very happy girl. Robby and I took a trip to St. Augustine on Saturday which was just what I needed. We had nothing planned. We just stopped when we felt like it and had great conversation along the way. Several strangers asked me about my pregnancy. I guess I'm showing enough for people to tell.
How far along: 22 weeks
Gender: Girl!
Weight gain: I don't know anymore. I will find out at my next appointment.
Symptoms: I had lower back pain on Wednesday that really surprised me. Luckily it didn't last long, but I really hope this won't be a more regular symptom.
Maternity clothes: I'm still wearing them. My order from F21 came in the mail today, and I was so disappointed. I should really stop ordering online while pregnant.
Belly button in or out: Depending on the way I stand it will be out or flush with my stomach. So weird.
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good, but I feel the urge to nap more and more during the day. ( It is actually 2 AM as I finish this post, so I guess I don't sleep through every night.)
Best moment this week: Going to St. Augustine with Robby and not having anything planned. We just drove around until we felt like stopping. It was super relaxing and just what I needed after having an off week.
Worst moment this week: There wasn't a specific moment this week that was the worst, but I did feel off almost the whole week. I think it had to do with not having my car for nearly two weeks and being trapped in my house until Robby got home. I definitely feel like myself again today.
Miss anything: I haven't really missed anything this week except my car.
Movement: I feel her for sure, but I'm starting to think I should feel her more. A total change from last week when I said I feel her more and more every week, but I just have this feeling she should be kicking hard enough for the world to feel. I'm sure everything is fine it's just the worrier in me.
Cravings: Corn on the cob.
Queasy or sick: I did have a little nausea on Wednesday, but that's about it.
Looking forward to: Our vacation to Louisiana and Jekyll Island is less than a month a way. Robby and I mention every day that we can't wait for it. I'm excited to see how much my belly grows by then.
Looking forward to: Our vacation to Louisiana and Jekyll Island is less than a month a way. Robby and I mention every day that we can't wait for it. I'm excited to see how much my belly grows by then.