Halfway There... 20 Weeks
4:27 PMI started this blog during my first trimester of pregnancy to document this exciting time in our lives, but I never actually made a post. I had big plans to keep a baby book, blog and maybe even vlog every detail. You'd think I would have a really good excuse as to why known of it happened, but it all comes down to pure laziness. Is that a symptom of pregnancy? The most I've done is posted the occasional #BabyBaggett update on Instagram.
But who says I can't start now?
A quick summary of my pregnancy:
I found out I was pregnant in December when I was three and a half weeks along (the day my best friend gave birth to her son). Gave Robby the pregnancy test as an early Christmas gift. He was speechless. Told my parents and sisters on Christmas day. They were shocked. Had no morning sickness, and other symptoms were very mild. Insurance issues caused a great deal of stress in the beginning. Resolved said issues and saw our baby for the first time at 11 weeks 3 days. I cried happy tears. Baby B had her legs locked at 16 week ultrasound. We were supposed to wait till our 20 week appointment to try to find out the gender but decided to get an elective ultrasound at 16 and a half weeks. Baby B's legs were still crossed, but tech said Baby's a girl. We didn't believe her because the picture of the goods showed nothing. 20 week appointment confirmed it was a girl after much finagling. Locked in her name.
Obviously there's more to the story, but that sums it up.
How far along: 20 weeks 3 days
Gender: Girl!
Weight gain: 9 Pounds but feels like more.
Symptoms: The tiredness hasn't really gone away. My sense of smell is close to that of a dog. But over all I am feeling really great!
Maternity clothes: I went ahead and bought maternity clothes early in my first trimester, so I would be as comfortable as possible my whole pregnancy. I have a few pair of maternity jeans and several non-maternity dresses that work perfectly for my growing belly.
Belly button in or out: It is so close to popping out. Not long now...
Sleep: Most nights I sleep soundly, but occasionally I'll wake up around 3 PM and not be able to fall back asleep for a few hours. But I will lay in bed and just feel her move around since that is when she is most active.
Best moment this week: The best moment this week would definitely be making it to the halfway point. I found out I was pregnant so early on that this point seemed so far away. I've also felt her move a lot more.
Worst moment this week: The worst moment this week was not pregnancy related, but someone backed into our car one day, and the next day I got a ticket in a Target parking lot for not having my tag up to date. I was furious and now we are dealing with getting the car fixed. I'm carless for a week.
Miss anything: The one thing I've missed my entire pregnancy is eating and drinking what I want without second guessing if it is safe for Baby. But it's worth it.
Movement: All the time. I can even see my belly move when she kicks.
Cravings: Tuna salad sandwiches, which I eat sparingly, Coke and McDonald's french fries. Only junk really.
Queasy or sick: I have actually felt more nausea in my second trimester than in my first. Not enough to effect my day-to-day life, but it surprises me sometimes.
Looking forward to: I am looking forward to my next ultrasound as usual. My mom will actually be coming to this one, so she will get to see Baby B for the first time. I'm also really looking forward to our vacation next month.
Love this!! Girls are so precious (not that all babies aren't)! Very excited for you. You look beautiful!