31 Week Update

2:36 PM

I feel like I just made my 30 week post. How am I already typing up my feelings and symptoms for 31 weeks? Time, you can slow down now, please and thank you.

At 31 weeks I am still able to bend over to shave my legs and paint my toe nails. I have yet to see a stretch mark, but that isn't saying much because I can't really see all angels of my belly anymore. For the most part I feel like my usual self. 

At the start of my week I had a day full of Braxton Hicks contractions. I've read that if you have more than 4 or 5 in an hour that you should call you doctor because it can be a sign of preterm labor. But I had a feeling it was just dehydration. I was guzzling water, trying to put my feet up but then a bit of nesting kicked in. I went into full cleaning mode, tried to organize Little B's room and went over my checklist for baby items we still need. My baby shower is next weekend, so I don't have to wait much longer to get everything I need. I've been waiting to see what people will graciously get for our little lady and what we will need to buy ourselves. I have been really good at resisting baby items, and only buying things when I get a really good deal.

On Thursday, I had another doctors appointment. Usually when I come in I'll write my name on the clip board, wait a few minutes, then will be called back for weight, urine and blood pressure check. But this time I was called to the window, given a paper to have another glucose test done and told I had an outstanding bill of $105. I told her I already had my glucose test done and I had no idea I had a bill. I sat back down to transfer money between accounts when another nurse calls for Jessica to come back. Another girl, who just walked in, stands up at the same time I do. So I ask, "Baggett?" The nurse said "no, McGowen." And the nurse at the desk said, "oh no I need McGowen you take Baggett." It didn't click until I was having my blood pressure checked that there was probably a mix up. Sure enough I looked at the paper the front desk nurse handed me, and it had the other Jessica's last name. And thank God I didn't pay her bill.

After all of that excitement, I met the fourth and final doctor in the office, and she was super sweet. Baby B's heartbeat is still strong in the 130s, and my fundal height is right on track at 30 cm. I also had my tdap shot for whopping cough. I mentioned to the doctor that I had a bout of BH contractions, and she mentioned dehydration was probably the reason and that smaller girls who are all belly tend to feel everything. I told her that was definitely the case because I feel everything this little girl does and every BH contraction I have. If they aren't painful, I am not concerned about them at all.

I also got to schedule my final ultrasound. Two weeks from now I get to see how much my daughter has grown. I can't wait! Oh and Robby and I will be taking a breastfeeding class around that time too. I need all of the information I can get. I think the Childbirth series has really helped me, and especially Robby, know what to expect and helped us figure out what we want for our labor and delivery. I would recommend this class for any mom-and-dad-to-be. We have our final class on Monday, where we will learn how to swaddle and change a diaper.

The class really had me thinking about labor and delivery. The pain is the last thing I am worried about at this point because I know it will hurt and that can only last so long. What really scares me is the unknown. She could be breech, maybe I push for three hours, they may have to use suction or forceps to get her out or an emergency c-section is necessary. I want so badly to have that labor experience and not go through a c-section. I want to try my best to do it naturally as well because I've heard so many horror stories about what all of the drugs can do. I want to see and feel what my body was made to do. I want to have that moment where my daughter is placed on my chest for the first time after my body worked so hard to get her into the world safely. I guess I just have to have faith in my doctors and trust that they will do what is best for Baby B.

How far along: 31 weeks! We are in the single digits now, only 9 weeks to go!

Gender: A sweet, little girl!

Weight gain:  I've gained another 5 pounds in the last two weeks. I thought I was doing well, but I guess now. I am up to 145 now. I'm hoping this baby weight falls off after she comes. :/

Symptoms: My back is achey a lot of the time now. It isn't painful just very uncomfortable. I'm feeling more nausea now than I did in the first trimester because my stomach is squished. This also means I am full a lot quicker now. I've also had some shortness of breath, because my uterus is crowding my lungs. Luckily, the babe has not gotten into my ribs yet. I hear it's super painful, and she hasn't caused me any pain just yet. I also had pregnancy brain really bad this week. I can't seem to form a complete sentence anymore.

Belly button in or out: Out.

Sleep: It's getting harder to fall asleep at night, but once I do, I am golden. I still consider myself lucky on that front.

Best moment this week: Just thinking about how soon I get to see her. I've seen a lot of baby girl pictures of social media, and they are getting me really excited for my daughter.

Worst moment this week: I think just being exhausted in general has been pretty hard. I had one day that I didn't nap, and I wanted to cry by the end of it because I was so drained. The next day I actually took a nap but felt the same way.

Miss anything: Clothes that fit, sleeping on my stomach, endless amounts of coffee, having motivation to do stuff. But she is worth it all.

Movement: This week we saw her knee or elbow move across the top of my belly. I've seen her movements since 20 weeks, but usually it's just a kick here or a roll there. But this looked like I had one of those beetles from the movie The Mummy inside of me crawling around. It was very cool and weird to see.

Cravings: I wish I had cravings. I'm never in the mood for anything.

Looking forward to: I am so looking forward to my baby shower next week. I helped my mom and best friend make the favors this week. They have been planning it and for the most part it is a surprise to me. I'm also looking forward to our next ultrasound, so I can see little girl's growth.

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