4:43 PM
I never loved weekends as much as I do now. I always feel like I just got back from a vacation every Monday. Robby works all week, and when he gets home we only have a short amount of time together before Isla goes to bed. So weekends are for family time. This is when Isla and I have Robby all to ourselves. To make plans as we please or to not make plans at all. We just want to spend every minute together.
This weekend in particular felt like a vacation. We spent Saturday in St. Augustine and Sunday at a pool party with friends. Both were firsts for Isla.
On top of the fort.
These are my people!
The best mom and mima there ever was.
Isla loves her pawpaw and mum mums.
I just love this picture.
I feel like she looks like such a little lady in this picture.
I love our little family.
She was perfectly content hanging out in that floaty.
My water baby.