At 10 months Isla has gone back to her picky eating ways. The pouches of pureed food that she seemed to love before were being spit out. Most finger foods I gave her were being tossed on the floor. Her top two teeth came in, which meant more biting while nursing. For the past week or so this has been my life. I haven't been this stressed in so long. But this too passed.
A friend recommended that we put the pureed food on a spoon because Isla may not like sucking it out anymore. Sure enough Isla ate it from the spoon. There are a few go-to finger foods that she will eat, so I make sure to have those on hand. As for the biting, well that one isn't a happy ending. It looks like we might be pumping until Isla is a year old because she bites as soon as she gets on the boob. She was fighting the bottle hard the last couple of days, but I bought the Honest Company Bottle yesterday at Target and voila she takes it! She's taken the bottle all day today!
Although I'm partially heartbroken that she doesn't really want to nurse at the moment (or ever again?!), I am glad that she is finally taking the bottle and I can still give her breastmilk. But I really hate pumping!
Aside from eating, everything else is going great. She is standing more on her own and even taking steps. I still think we have a ways to go before she is actually walking, but it is still exciting to see the progress.
She is still her happy go lucky self, and I love her to death. Her daily smiles and laughs make any doubt and negativity melt away. I don't know why she is so happy, but it certainly makes me and Robby feel like we are doing something right.
Weight: My guess is 20 pounds.
Hates: The bottle but is warming up to it.
Clothing/diaper Size: size 4 diapers and size 6-12 month clothes.
Looking Forward To: All of the upcoming birthday parties. And meeting my new, little niece!
Loves: High fives, the water, her stroller, books, mum-mums.
Milestones: Four teeth, taking her first unassisted steps, signs "more" and knows what the sign for milk is. I swear she knows who mama and dada are and is finally saying mama again. I'm almost certain she is trying to have conversations with us.
This month Isla...
Ate watermelon almost every day, including the day of Juniper's first birthday party.
Had fun at the Cummer Museum with Clementine.
Went to Louisiana for the first time.
Went on her first plane ride and slept the entire time.
And went to Jekyll Island for the first time.
Endless pool and beach days...