Jekyll Island Adventures

12:23 PM

Jekyll Island is a second home to me. I started coming here when I was Isla's age and my mom was coming before that. My grandparents rent a house for a week every year, and we all come down to just relax. Now that we are all older with jobs and kids, it is a lot harder for us to all be there at the same time. This year Stacia is 40 weeks pregnant, my mom is there with her, Glenn has an internship, Ashley has a new job, the list goes on. But Robby took the week off so we were able to stay the entire week.

Last year I was pregnant with Isla and could not stop talking about what it would be like to bring her the next year. Ever since she was born I've been thinking about the week that I would get to bring her here. That week did not disappoint. My little traveler was so happy the entire time. She had a smile on her face every time we went to the pool, beach, shops, restaurant. She did get a little bored in the house, or tired of the car, but overall the trip was more than a success. It makes me ever more excited for next year. Hopefully all of the cousins will be there together (Isla, Kane, Kohen and Baby Steele)!

Also, Isla decided this week to start saying mama again, become a picky eater, take her first couple of steps unassisted and cut two more teeth!

Fresh out of the car and walking around the new shopping center.
 First walk to the beach.

 Could she BE any cuter?!

 She loved the kiddie pool so much because she could touch the bottom and walk around by herself.

 The first sunrise of our trip! I took a similar picture last year when I was pregnant with Isla. I think it will become an annual thing.

 She is definitely a morning person just like her parents. 
 I am truly blessed.

 My loves. 
She crawled around in the sand for a good 30 minutes.
 Isla took too long to wake up from her nap, so we sent Kohen in to wake her up.
The Rah Bar on the Jekyll Warf is always a must.

We used to order virgin daiquiris when we were kids. Now we're all 21 or older! Where did the time go?!
It was Kohen's first time at Jekyll too!
Family photo time at St. Simon's Island.
The lighthouse on St. Simon's Island.

Ashley + Johnny.

She fell asleep on the way back from St. Simons. It doesn't get much cuter than a baby girl sleeping on her daddy.
 Stop and smell the flowers.
 I can't believe how much she's grown in the last nine months.

 I can't keep up with her.

 Isla drove us to the Summer Waves Water Park.

I wish she would actually keep these sunglasses on. 
It took a little bit of warming up, but she loved the water park.

My little water baby.
 The Crane House gardens.
 The Jekyll Island Hotel.

 The loves of my life.

 The Pier.

 When Isla sleeps mama and dada go to the beach to watch the sunset.

Isla and her great grandparents.

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