Park Life
6:24 PM
As a parent parks are a part of my regular routine. I try to take Isla in the mornings or meet a friend there later in the day, but usually it's way too hot to stay longer than 10 minutes. However, the past few evenings have cooled down enough for us to go as a family of three. I think it's my new favorite part of the day. Isla is loving it too.
I can honestly say that I have loved every stage of Isla's first year, but we are off to the best start on her second year. She is just so much fun. She is now conquering the playground on her own with only a little assistance from mom and dad. We are almost brave enough to let her go down the slide on her own.
Our newest activity is pushing Isla around on the skateboard. I say this a lot, but it might be the cutest thing ever. Isla can't get enough of it.
And a fun little video because the world needs to experience this level of cuteness.