Baggett Adventures: New York

10:19 AM

Visiting New York during the holiday season has always been on my bucket list. I added taking Isla to NY to the list once she was born. I can't believe we actually did both!

I have to say traveling with a baby toddler is one of the hardest things I've ever done. Isla was pretty much a dream to travel with as a baby, but now that she is older and mobile this girl is almost impossible to keep contained/entertained. She doesn't want to sit still for anything. And since she is somewhere new getting her to sleep isn't going to happen. She has the worst case of FOMO.

But other than our rough flights, broken sleep at night, and a cough that wouldn't stop, Isla was a total trooper. She was honestly up for anything.

Below are a few photos and highlights from the trip. And by a few I mean a lot. I took too many pictures.

 We woke her up at 4:30 AM, she ran around the airport for an hour....
 And she looks so tired, but home girl refused to sleep.

Luckily we had an hour drive to our friend's house, so she finally napped!
She absolutely loves new places!
 She is loving holding our hands at the moment, but I think we love it more.

 How can you not smile when she smiles?!

 Our first day in New York was spent at our friend's house and there happened to be a park just up the street. 

 The next day we took a train into the city.
The train attendant punched a smiley face into a ticket for Isla! It reminded us of The Polar Express.
 New York knows how to do Christmas!
 Rockefeller Center

 The Waldorf Astoria Tree
 Central Park Fun

 Of course she didn't want to keep her hat on.

 Grand Central Station
 Isla is obsessed with horses. 

She fell asleep on me during the train ride back.
 Christmas tree shopping!
 I didn't buy Isla mittens before we left for our trip, so she wore socks on her hands. 

 I took a million pictures of them holding hands because it's the cutest thing in the world.
 Yes, we did.
 Isla's obsession continues.
 She may have cried when we took her off.

She also cried when meeting Santa.
 Ice skating in the mountains!

 Unfortunately, Isla couldn't participate. You can see the disappoinment on her face.

 Jess, Isla and Jess. This awesome person and her husband let our crazy family crash at her house for six days.
 Robby and Chris showing off their tricks.

 She cried when we took her off of this horse too.

 Exploring small towns with the crew.
 Double hand holding!

 Isla's first experience with snow!!

 She ate several handfuls.
 Our drive to the city was a pretty one.
 Chelsea Market is one of my favorite spots to visit.
 Running around the High Line.

 Isla's first subway ride! There were so many firsts on this trip!
 Robby got his $1 slice of pizza, so he was happy.
 During our second trip to the city I thought it would be a great idea to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. I was wrong. But at least we got a few great pictures out of it.
 One of my favorite shots from the trip. Robby really didn't want to turn around for another picture because he was cold, tired from walking Isla across the bridge, and had a headache, but I'm glad he complied. Also, I think Isla fell asleep shortly after this shot.

I wanted a picture with Isla here, but she was passed out. It felt so weird having my picture taken alone.
 That view though.

 One of my favorite stops in the city. Washington Square Park.

 Waiting on the subway.
Best pizza ever.
Isla would agree.

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