Isla Update: 16 Months
11:26 AMLittle miss Isla B is getting back to her happy-go-lucky self. My sweet, baby girl was sick and had about 6 teeth coming in at once, so you could imagine why she was extra fussy, clingy and picky. Don't get me wrong, Isla was still lovey, playful and all of those wonderful things, but she definitely required a lot more attention and babying.
I will say seeing all of those teeth coming in was quiet a relief for me, because Isla was stuck at 5 teeth for months. I was starting to wonder if she would ever get anymore. She now has four molars, three front top teeth and four front bottom teeth. A few of those aren't completely done growing, but they are at least broken through the gums.
Isla was sick a week or two before we took our trip to New York, but seemed to be completely better by the time we left. Once we landed she had a bad cough and then threw up a couple of times one day, but never had a fever. I think it had to do with the climate change because after being home for a couple of days her cough went away. Robby actually gained a cough in NY too, but for whatever reason I didn't. Now that she isn't coughing, and teething seems to be giving her a break, Isla's mood has increased 10 fold.
Isla being in such a good mood means we get so many hugs and kisses! This girl is all about the lovin'. We don't even have to ask for it anymore she just gives it out like candy. She is back to be independent and doesn't require us to hold/play with her every second. I think this is why she is also eating better.
Food! Glorious food! Feeding this child has been a rollercoaster. One month she will be a great eater the next she throws everything on the floor! This month she is back to eating great which makes me so happy. I finally feel like she is getting enough to eat, has a more balanced diet and is even drinking whole milk now. We have officially weaned Isla off of the boob, and I am still having mixed emotions about it. I think I'll make a separate post about that.
Speaking of weaning, I am trying to wean Isla off of her paci now. We started a new routine where she only gets it during naps and when she goes to bed, and it is going really well. I think she actually understands that is the only time she gets it. When I ask if she wants to go night night her response is usually paci, which I assume means yes because she never fights naps or bedtime now. She does still wake up super early (anywhere between 5-6 AM), so that is something we still need to work on. This also means she is still taking two naps a day.
One thing that isn't so great at the moment is Isla's constant slapping. I have tried so many things to get her to stop slapping and nothing seems to be getting through to her. She thinks I'm playing a game with her. I have started to put her down and walk away from her when she does it, and I feel like that might be making a difference. Only time will tell I guess.
A few favorites:
- Bath time with dad. She never wants to get out.
- Horses! She gets so excited any time we see one and cries every time she gets off of one.
- Being outside. She is ALWAYS asking to go out. Thank goodness we have a porch and a deck, so she can come and go as she pleases.
- Cars. Toy cars or real cars it doesn't mater. She is obsessed with sitting in the drivers seat or being pushed around.
- Mickey Mouse. She even tries to say it, but it sounds more like Mimaw.
- Snacks. This kid is definitely a snacker like her mama. She loves popcorn, pretzels, applesauce, nuts, cheerios, yogurt, and anything cheese related.
A girls day spent with Isla and my mom.
We love going to all of the local events including the Vagabond Flea.
She was actually eating the dinner I cooked!
She's obsessed I tell you.
I just think she is the cutest person in the world.
Just a couple of dads and their daughters at a Very Murray Christmas.
Playing house.
Park fun with her BFF, Clementine.