14 Week Update with Baby #2

7:19 PM

We have officially hit the second trimester!

I think I mentioned before how I didn't feel as excited or connected with this pregnancy as I did the first. Well that is all turning around really fast. That's both because I am feeling more baby movements and now Robby is finally getting more excited about it. We both kept saying it doesn't feel real yet, and I guess it finally does now. Yesterday, he was the one that really wanted to talk baby names and pulled up baby name lists online. It was fun to go down the list and discuss them all. One name that I have loved since the beginning for a boy is actually growing on Robby, which makes me the happiest person. The same thing happened during our pregnancy with Isla. He really didn't like the name, but I kept bringing it up and it grew on him.

I am more focused on boy names at the moment (we both are actually) because I do have a feeling I am carrying a little boy. With Isla I thought she was a boy because everyone was guessing boy and the majority of old wives tales pointed to boy. I didn't have any sort of feeling though, but I could honestly only picture myself with a girl. This time I am gravitating toward the boy stuff, while I was more into the girly things with my first pregnancy. Since having Isla all I could picture was having another girl. Isla with a sister. I would truly be happy either way, but I am now leaning toward boy. I don't know what changed to make me feel this way. I know Robby would like a boy, but would not be devastated if we have another girl.

I am highly considering doing an elective ultrasound, if I can't do the anatomy scan at 18 weeks. I am dying to find out. I just feel so much more connected knowing the gender and having a name. I know so many people that decide to wait till birth to find out and decide on a name. I thought I could do it, but I was sorely mistaken. haha

Enough about gender. What is most important is this little bean's health. I had my first trimester screening at 12 or 13 weeks. It's an ultrasound to check the fluid on the back of the baby's neck to see what the risk is for down syndrome. The US tech said everything looked perfect. Our baby was laying on it's stomach and moving a ton. S/he was not making things easy for the tech, but Isla was the same way. We make some spunky kids. I also had a ton of blood work done and everything came back normal. Thank the lord!

I do not really have any new symptoms. The only thing making me feel pregnant lately is my growing belly. I've had a couple of mild bouts of nausea and my fatigue is only slightly better. I honestly don't know how I managed to have to "easy" pregnancies so far. I only hope this one stays on that track.

I have already started on the nursery. I know I'm crazy and it's still so early, but I do not care. I did the same thing with Isla. Most of what is in the room was either Isla's or things from around the house. If I see something that is one sale or clearance that goes with the room, I can't pass it up. It is currently a black, white and gray theme. Typical for me. I am also loving this soft, muted, medium green, but I haven't incorporated that yet.

13 week bump
How far along: 14 Weeks

Gender: We don't know yet!

Weight gain: I think I've gained around 5 pounds now. The last time I stepped on the scale it said 120. I really don't know how accurate our scale is though.

Symptoms: I usually tired, but I think that's because I have a toddler that wakes up at 6 AM.

Belly button in or out: It is so close to popping out already!

Sleep: Some nights are harder to fall asleep than others, but I am pretty much sleeping through the night again. I don't know if it's the new bed or reaching the second trimester.  

Best moment this week: Feeling stronger baby movements. I can definitely tell it's baby now and not just gas. haha 

Worst moment this week: The heat, humidity and mosquitos. I cannot handle it! Isla loves being outside, but I am miserable.

Miss anything: Just eating whatever the heck I want. The usual.

Movement: Yes! Mostly just rolling around, and every now and then a tiny little kick. But I am still looking forward to feeling stronger movements all day long.

Cravings: I keep thinking I'm having cravings, and I'll send Robby to get them but don't really want it once I have a bite. I do crave food once I see a commercial or someone mentions it. Taco Bell and Panera to name a couple.

Looking forward to: Finding out the gender! I feel so basic being this desperate, but it consumes every free thought. I like to plan, so once I know I can really start buying and organizing.

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