Baby Baggett #2
8:48 AMWritten April 17, 2017
Where do I even begin. I guess I should start with Robby and I are pregnant again! This was a planned pregnancy, like the first time, but it's a completely different ball game to talk about getting pregnant and actually being pregnant. I am in a state of shock and disbelief right now. This was our first month trying, so I wasn't expecting it to happen so quickly I guess. I think that will wear off at our first appointment, which I have yet to schedule. I am only three weeks and six days at the moment or at least that's what my pregnancy app says.
I found out a few days ago when I took a pregnancy test after feeling bloated, crampy and extra tired (if that's even possible). I was going to wait till Sunday when my app told me to take one, but I already had a feeling I was pregnant so I didn't want to wait two more days for confirmation. The second line showed pretty quickly, but faintly, which was surprising because it was kind of early in the pregnancy to be taking one (the app is even telling me it's too early to tell if I'm pregnant) and I didn't use first morning urine. I think it was 2 PM.
You'd think I would have come up with some cute way of telling Robby, but my motivation for anything has been out the window for some time now. Instead I showed him a picture of the positive pregnancy test on my phone in the driveway of my parent's new house as we waited for Isla to wake up from her car nap. He was just talking about how he wanted me to be pregnant and all that jazz but had the same reaction I had when I found out. Not as excited as we thought we would be. Don't fret though we are over the shock and on to the excitement stage.
Saturday evening I decided to get a dollar store pregnancy test just to confirm the fact that I'm pregnant. This time I waited till morning (Easter) to take it and the lines came back a lot darker this time.
This pregnancy isn't consuming my every thought like it did the first time around, which is understandable considering we have a crazy toddler to worry about and a house that can't seem to sell. I have started thinking about names already but there is not a single name that I love. I guess we have nine months to figure that out.
I want to talk about this pregnancy openly, but don't want to tell anyone at the same time. The only person that knows other than Robby is my best friend (who just told me she is pregnant and only 10 days ahead of me!) I don't even know how to tell my family. The only one that seemed excited the last time was my dad and my grandparents of course.
I guess things just don't feel real until you have that first appointment, and hear that heartbeat. I cried during the first ultrasound with Isla, so I hope I have the same emotions this time. Once the ball gets rolling and everything starts to fall into place, I will be more excited for this next chapter. I'm just in a state of disbelief right now.