Our Final Ultrasound

10:12 AM

On Thursday I had my 32 week growth scan with baby girl #2. Robby wasn't able to make it because of work, but my dad came to help with Isla. After waiting in the waiting room for what felt like forever we finally went back. Isla knew exactly where we were and what we were doing. She was so cute with all of her little remarks.

As soon as the sonographer put the probe on the lower right side of my belly you could see baby girl's head. I automatically say "Yay! She's head down." It's been a fear of mine that she won't get to that head down position and I'll end  up getting a C-section. My odds are looking better now that I know she's head down (fingers crossed she stays that way).

The sonographer said it looks like she has a big head and I started to say that's good, but then thought about the fact that I have to push that big head out. haha She measured the belly which she mentioned was small but not abnormally so (18%). She got the cute profile shot below, and then went into 3d mode which I was not expecting. Baby girl's face popped up on the screen upside down (because she is head down) and I gasped. It was so clear and she was so cute. I've never been a fan of the 3d ultrasounds before. I've seen a few cute pictures but generally speaking I preferred 2d. But the fact that I saw my sweet little girl's features was amazing. She has the cutest button nose and was pushing out her lips like she was blowing us a kiss. It was seriously awesome.

After all was said and done, they estimate that she is 4 pounds 2 ounces and right at 50th percentile for size. She's perfect, doing great and right on track. No matter how well each pregnancy or appointment goes there is always that fear that something will be wrong. Thanking God that everything has been smooth sailing so far.

I honestly can't believe it is already November. Next month we will be welcoming a new person into our family. Less than 8 weeks from now if we are so lucky. We are more than ready for her.

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