37 Weeks with Baby #2

8:24 AM

How far along: 37 weeks!

Gender: GIRL!

Weight gain: Around 30 pounds I think.

Symptoms: Linea Nigra is making a very faint appearance. I have this weird round ligament or nerve pain in my inner right thigh/groin area. Something I never experienced with Isla. I think it has something to do with where the baby's head is. Lots of pressure, lots of peeing. I thought I might have lost some of my mucus plug, but now I'm second guessing myself. Loads of Braxton Hicks contractions some are accompanied by cramping.

Belly button in or out: Out.

Sleep: Not bad lately. Last night I didn't even wake up to pee.

Best moment this week: All of the Christmas spirit. I love the music, movies, decorations. It just puts me in a good mood.

Worst moment this week: This week hasn't been bad. The anticipation is killing me and I do have moments where I am extremely uncomfortable, but overall I still feel pretty good.

Miss anything: I miss having my body to myself and my old wardrobe! I am running out of things that fit me!

Movement: Oh yes. Some are actually very uncomfortable or even painful. She is constantly pushing on my right rib cage with her feet. She headbutts my cervix every time she moves.

Cravings: Ice and Twix. But I think I'm coming off of the Twix craving.

Looking forward to: My sweet baby girl making her arrival! With every pain or change in my body I wonder if it's an early sign of labor. No such luck yet. 

 Firetruck obsessed.

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