Jade Eloise: 2 Month Update

3:39 AM

My little  chunk of a baby turned 2 months old on February 27th. I cannot get over what a chill, happy baby she is. She has her moments when she isn't happy, but those a few and far between. Just like Isla made the transition into motherhood gentle, Jade did the same when transitioning to a mother of two.

Jade is very active when she is awake. She kicks constantly and wiggles when you hold her. Tummy time doesn't bother her most days and she even pushes herself forward with her feet. She takes interest in her surroundings, especially fans on the ceiling. Eye contact is huge with her. We have daily staring contests.

Jade has always been a fairly good sleeper. She's never been the type to wake up every hour. We can get a four or five hour stretch a night. The night after she turned 2 months I put her in her crib for the first night ever. She slept 7 hours straight, I woke up on my own and decided to dream feed her at 3 AM, then she slept another 3 hours. We all typically get up at 6 AM, so it wasn't too early for us. That was our best nights sleep yet. Now if only I could fall right back to sleep after I get up to feed her. I remember always having to nurse or rock Isla to sleep, but with Jade I can lay her flat on her back with her paci, and she falls asleep on her own. I think this is huge because that's one less step we have to make when sleep training.

Nursing is still going really well. She nurses anywhere from an hour and a half to four hours during the day. At night she can go a little longer. I feed on demand but try my best to use my nursing app to keep track of when she nurses. She only nurses on one side at a time and typically for 5-6 minutes. A very efficient eater like her sister. And just like her sister she is extremely messy. I have to change at least once a day. I think part of the issue is my fast let down and abundance of milk she can't keep it all in her mouth while eating. She is also spitting up quite a bit, but it does seem to be getting better.

I am finding a few things very difficult. Splitting my time between both girls and finding time for my self. Isla needs constant attention. Jade sleeps a lot, but when she is awake I want to be able to play and talk with her. Isla is ok with that sometimes, and will even join in, but other times I am taking care of Isla's needs while Jade is laying on her pillow. Now when both girls are crying I get pretty frantic and that is something I am also working on. Finding time for myself is very difficult. I literally get no time to myself. If both girls are sleeping at the same time it is usually short lived. When the girls go to sleep at night so do I. Robby is gracious enough to let me go to Target alone sometimes, but I find myself rushing. I know things will get better once Jade doesn't need me for everything, but it is still hard right now.

Height: 23 1/4" 75th percentile

Weight: 12.1 pounds 75th percentile

Loves: Her swing, cooing and being talked to, baby wearing

Hates: Having her clothes changed, being in the car sometimes

Milestones: smiling, cooing, giggling, holds her head up longer during tummy time, takes interest in toys, falls asleep on her own.

Looking Forward To: Everything! Especially our first family of four vacation to Jekyll Island.

Jade and her bestie, Winry. Only 2 weeks apart.
 She was so tiny!
I wasn't getting many pictures with my baby, so a selfie was needed.

 Isla is such a loving big sister.
Her smile is everything.
Jade and Kenley. Cousins only 5 weeks apart.
 The sleepiest of babies.
 Daddy-daughter love.
 This was my favorite outfit on her.
 Girl Mom.

Isla brought Jade all of her toys.
 Endless kisses.
 They are so beautiful. 
 Family fun at a friend's birthday party.
 Valentine's Day 2018.

 A family fishing trip cut short. At least we got a few good pictures out of it.

 Robby said he was going to make her a bottle. I said I could feed her. He said he wanted to.

 Luckies mom in the world.
 The last four photos Jade was sleeping.

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