Jade Eloise: 3 Month Update

6:02 PM

Jade is 3 months old today. I am still in awe of this little ball of sunshine. My cheerful, content, sleepy girl. She makes us all so happy.

At three months old, Jade is sleeping through the night most nights in her own room. I credit this to her Love to Dream swaddle, a sounds machine, lavender essential oil, and her baby nest. Granted she was never the worst sleeper to begin with, but I do believe moving her to her own room and using those items have really improved both of our sleep. If she does wake during the night, I go in there to feed her for a few minutes and she's back to sleep. One amazing thing about Jade is that I can just lay her down awake, and she will fall asleep on her own. As long as she has a clean diaper, is fed, has her paci and is actually tired she will put herself to sleep. I haven't noticed much of a pattern in her nap schedule, but she will stay awake for an hour or two and then nap. She will nap anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours.

Breastfeeding is still going well. She seems to be going longer between feedings but feeding slightly longer each time.

Drooling is in full swing right now. I remember this with Isla and thought it was teething. Turns out they are just producing more saliva for when they start to eat solid food. They haven't learned to swallow it all just yet so it just comes out as drool instead. Although she is chewing on her hands and our fingers a ton like her gums are bothering her. I guess we will know for sure what it is if we see any teeth come through.

This girl is strong. She is always trying to sit up on her own, standing on her legs whenever we give her the chance, has rolled over several times from tummy to back and holds her head up unassisted. I just can't get over how quickly they learn and develop. Slow down, sweet girl.

She is still a little jabber box. One of her favorite things is being talked to. She just lights up. She smiles constantly and lets out little giggles her and there.

Just like Isla, Jade has a bald spot on the back of her head. My ever-curious girls are constantly turning their heads to check everything out. I never have to worry about them getting a flat head because they never stay on one side long enough.



Loves: A good conversation, long walks in the carrier, fresh milk from the tap, and her paci.

Hates: Being tired or hungry, and her carseat (sometimes).

Milestones: Rolled over a few times, holds her head up unassisted, sleeps through the night.

Looking Forward To: Everything! Especially our first family of four vacation to Jekyll Island.


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