My Little Girl
10:59 AMI didn't want to wait till Friday to make another update post because I want to remember the emotions I am feeling at this very moment.
I don't even know where to start. I just love this little girl growing inside of me so much. We had another ultrasound today at 25 weeks 5 days to check on the status of my placenta. At my first ultrasound it was partially covering my cervix, and if it did not move, I would have to have a c-section when I was full term. Well good news, my placenta has moved completely out of the way! Since that only took a couple of seconds to see, my doctor decided to check on Baby Baggett.
At my last appointment, I was 23 weeks, but little one was only measuring 22 weeks. She was also only a pound. The doctor wasn't concerned about it at all because you give or take a couple of weeks, because every baby grows differently. But I couldn't help but think that if my baby came early she may not have that great of a chance of surviving because she was a smaller baby. Well at this appointment two and a half weeks later, my little girl is measuring right on track and weighs almost 2 pounds! I feel like she had a bit of a growth spurt, and I could not be happier about that.
The whole morning Baby B was moving like crazy even during the ultrasound, and the doctor noticed. She said an active baby is good because you know everything is OK in there. The doctor decided to give us a look at baby in 3D this time. At our previous ultrasound she had her face covered with her arms, so we couldn't see anything. But we saw all of her adorable features today. It even looked liked she was smiling. I swear she looks like a happy baby already. This just warms my heart!
On a bit of a side note, I've recently become a little self conscious of my body. I feel as though nothing fits me anymore and things that I can get on don't flatter my figure. I always thought I would be one of those thin people with just a baby belly that I would love to dress. Unfortunately, that is not the case. I have gained weight in every part of my body, and I have no idea how to dress curves. I have felt depressed about this almost to the point of tears at times, but honestly this appointment has lifted my spirits so much that I am not concerned about it anymore. I am just so happy that my body can carry my baby and give her everything she needs. I have had no health issues yet, and I should be grateful for that instead of focusing on my looks.
I love her so much already and can't wait to kiss that cute little face of hers.