36/37 Week Pregnancy Update

8:04 AM

Nothing has really changed in my pregnancy. No crazy new symptoms or anything really. 

We've installed her car seat, packed our bags and put together all of the baby gear we have, but we are just waiting for her arrival.

How far along: 37 weeks and 3 days! She could come at any time now!

Gender: GIRL!

Weight gain: I think I've officially gained 30 pounds.

Symptoms: I'm pretty sure I've had every symptom in the book, but I've been lucky because usually all symptoms are mild and don't last 24/7.

Belly button in or out: Out.

Sleep: Once I fall asleep I'm OK. But sometimes my legs are so restless or I cannot get comfortable, so it takes awhile to get to sleep.

Best moment this week: Making it to 37 weeks alone was amazing. I'm so happy to make it to full term. I feel really good about Baby B being good and healthy. I am just so excited to meet her in less than three weeks!

Worst moment this week: Nothing has been to bad this week. The wait it killing me. Also, the wait at the doctor's office is killing me. The last two or three appointments I go in for my weekly appointments. I wait a minimum of 30 minutes to see my doctor for 2 minutes. She always seems rushed when she comes in, and I get very little information when she's there. The last appointment she didn't even check my fundal height or touch my belly. I will say something at the next appointment though.

Miss anything: I miss being comfortable. Fitting into clothes.

Movement: Oh yes. Some are actually very uncomfortable or even painful. I've never had a rib jab, but she does knock me in the left hip a lot.

Cravings: Grilled shrimp. I had an amazing blackened shrimp salad at Mojo No. 4, and I haven't stopped thinking about it since.

Looking forward to: My sweet baby girl making her arrival! With every pain or change in my body I wonder if it's an early sign of labor. No such luck yet. 

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