38 Week Pregnancy Update

4:07 PM

Oh my word. Things are getting real. This morning (Friday) at 38 weeks Little B did some of her biggest movements to date. I honestly felt like she was going to rip through my stomach or push herself out through my lady bits. Usually her movements are slightly uncomfortable, but these were on another level. I was just waiting for my water to break from all of the pressure I was feeling. But that only lasted for a minute before she calmed back down. What I think she was really doing was moving down aka dropped aka engaged, because I feel like I have a small bowling ball in my pelvis now.

Also, as soon as I got up this morning around 5 AM, I immediately started cleaning. Having a chow (dog) means there is an endless supply of dog-hair tumbleweeds around the house. Robby and I vacuum, sweep, swifter and even lint roll our 850-square-foot home EVERY day, and we never manage to get it all. I washed, dried and folded every article of dirty clothing, decluttered what little clutter we had left (I declutter A LOT), made breakfast twice, and showered all before my 10:45 AM doctor's appointment. I think I'm officially nesting.

My doctor's appointment went as well as a quick 5-minute appointment can go. The doctor said her heartbeat sounded great, which I would have to agree. It seriously sounds perfect to me. I mentioned I thought Baby B had dropped this morning, and she confirmed that baby has. My stomach was only measuring 32 cm at 38 weeks, which is completely normal. Once the baby drops fundal height doesn't read correctly anymore. One other thing the doctor mentioned was she and the other doctor in the practice will be out of town the 14-21 of this month, so if I wanted to be induced at 39 weeks to insure that I would have one of them deliver the baby, they would do that. I said I would like to go into labor naturally and will take my chances with a doctor I hadn't met before. The midwife from their practice will still be there, so everything should be fine.

I also have to say that the nerves have really set in the past couple of days. This whole pregnancy I haven't really worried about labor and delivery. I know it can be long and painful, but I was always thinking about the end result. However, the last couple of days it hit me that I could go into labor at any time now. I'm worried about my water breaking somewhere public or my husband working further away when it happens. I watch a lot of birth/baby shows/vlogs, and took birth classes, so I know a lot about labor and delivery. But I still don't know how my body will handle it or even how Baby B will handle it. There is just so much that can go wrong! Then again, my pregnancy has been smooth sailing.

How far along: 38 weeks! You can come now Baby B!

Gender: GIRL!

Weight gain: A total of 31 pounds. 

Symptoms: Little girl has officially dropped. I was told a few weeks ago that she had dropped, which I thought was weird because I didn't feel like she had. And the doctor told me at my last appointment that she hadn't actually dropped. But I've felt so much pressure in my pelvis this morning, so I believe her this time when she says she has. I also have a bit more of an appetite agin and less indigestion. 

Belly button in or out: Out.

Sleep: One of my mommy friends gifted me this boomerang pillow that she loved when she was pregnant with her first, and it is seriously the best thing ever. I use it all day long for sleeping and sitting. It definitely helps at night. The body pillow that I had before didn't work too well for me. I would get to hot and it took up way too much room on the bed.

Best moment this week: The fact that she dropped is pretty exciting.

Worst moment this week: The fatigue is pretty bad this week.

Miss anything: Not this week.

Movement: I swear she has not slowed down at all despite that lack of room left in my uterus. I feel her move any time I am awake. She just doesn't sleep apparently. I don't feel like she is a big baby, but she is certainly a strong baby.

Cravings: I'm still craving shrimp. Especially the shrimp salad from Mojo No. 4.

Looking forward to: My sweet baby girl making her arrival! I would like to think she will be here in the next week or so.  

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