A Week with Isla B.
11:05 AM
Isla Ann Baggett
We chose Isla because we really loved the name. It's pronounced eye-la for anyone who hasn't heard it before. It means Island and is of Scottish origin.
We chose Ann for her middle name for my grandma, mother and Robby's middle name is Andy, so it covers all bases.
Day 1: Isla is born at 12:04 PM.
Day 2: Family comes to meet her at the hospital.
Day 3: Discharge day!
Day 4: Back to the doctors to check on her jaundice.
Day 5: First check up. She is up to 7 pounds, and the doctor said she's perfect. First outing.
Day 6: Out and about in the neighborhood, and lots of cuddle time with mom and dad.
Day 7: Second check up. Isla is now 7 pounds 7 ounces.
For the past week, Isla was an absolute dream. She rarely cries and when she does she is easily consoled. Usually she'll cry if she is hungry, or if we are changing her diaper.
She sleeps soundly and constantly. I usually have to wake her up at night to feed. Oddly enough my body wakes me up every two to three hours. I haven't had to set an alarm yet.
She eats like a champ. Breastfeeding was a little challenging the first day or two for us because we were both new at it. But now she is a pro latcher, and it's getting less painful for me.
She is constantly smiling in her sleep, which melts my heart every time. I could just stare at her for hours because she is just so darn cute. She also smells like heaven, so I could smell her for hours too. But that would be weird.
Here are a few pictures from our first week with Isla B.
Isla details.
Such a good little sleeper.
After Isla's first check up. The doctor said she's perfect.
One of the first photos taken after getting home from the hospital. The flowers were from Isla's granny.
After her first bath at home.
Isla meeting Olive.