A Day in Savannah, GA

4:16 PM

Finally a family day! Robby has been working nonstop, if not at his job then on his truck or the house. This trip almost didn't happen because he was told last minute he had to work that Saturday, but they managed to finish all of the work on Friday.

Savannah never disappoints. Even when the weather is thick with heat and randomly raining, we can never have a bad time. This was the second time we took Isla. She loves it just as much as we do. She seriously did not fuss the entire time we were there.

Like most of our trips we didn't have anything planned. We had a couple of activities in mind, but no schedule at all. All of our trips are like this and I feel like we never get to experience the city to its fullest. I should really do something about that. Regardless we still had the best family day.

This was Isla as soon as we walked out of the parking garage.

Doing a little dance.

The only pictures of us the entire day.

Hi there, 20-week bump.

We walked all the way over to the Railroad museum. We were hot, sweaty and tired, but Isla loved it.

Down by the river after her stroller nap.

She is the biggest goofball without even trying.

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