Isla B is 2!

3:11 PM

Weight: 27 Pounds (50th percentile)
Height: 33 1/2" (50th percentile)

Isla Ann is 2 years old. How is that possible? A year has tripled in speed since having a child. It really isn't fair because you feel like you get less time with them. Luckily for me I have spent every single day of the last 2 years with my daughter.

Isla isn't the best eater, but she isn't the worst either. She loves avocado, applesauce, pretzels, chicken, eggs, beans, anything sweet and french fries. She hates vegetables and will randomly decide she doesn't like one of her favorite foods on certain days. I must say she is doing a lot better than six months to a year ago. Just the other day she ate a couple of pieces of steamed broccoli without being coaxed or bribed. She's also devoured eggs with spinach and mushrooms mixed in. I remember when she barely ate anything other than pretzels. We're making moves in the right direction. She does primarily drink water with milk once or twice a day.

I have been blessed with a good sleeper from the start I believe. Sleep regressions were hard, but other than that she has been pretty consistent. Isla sleeps from about 8:30 PM-6:30 AM give or take 30 minutes. Nap time is typically at 12, but she's gone down anywhere from 10:30 to 2, so it really does vary. Most naps are two hours, but she's gone as long as four! I never have to do anything special to get her to sleep. I just let her know it's bed/nap time, lay her down in her crib with a doll, blanket and book. She will play around for a little bit until she falls asleep. I do find that it takes her longer to fall asleep now that we've taken the paci away, but since she isn't crying most of the time we haven't changed anything. She does typically get a bath an hour or so before bed which Robby is in charge of.

We did try to move her into a toddler bed one night, but that was a bust. We stupidly left the crib assembled in her room. She tried to climb inside and she got stuck. I'm not sure why we were rushing the toddler bed anyway. She sleeps so well in her crib.

Isla is reaching just about every milestone that a two-year-old should reach. She is a little talker and is able to tell us what she wants and can answer our questions. At times it is hard to understand her because her pronunciation isn't perfect, but I've pretty much got her language figured out. She can count to 10, say the ABC's (for the most part), and loves to play with puzzles.

She hasn't quite figured out her colors yet. It's something I've been working hard on the past few weeks, but it doesn't seem to be clicking with her. She doesn't know shapes yet either, which is my fault because I haven't really identified them often for her. I also want to start helping her identify the letters of the alphabet.

Where do I even begin with this little girl's personality? She is a lover, leader, comedian, curious, playful,

She is definitely a lover. This girl loves to give/receive hugs, kisses and cuddles. My favorite thing is to hear her say I love you, mama. Isla loves a lot of things but babies might just be at the top of that list. Any baby she can get her hands on will get hugs and kisses. It can get a little awkward in public when she tries to love on stranger's babies. Isla is also a helper. Any time we are doing a chore she wants to help in some way. Her daily chore is to feed the dogs morning and night. She's really good at it too. haha She also likes to help put laundry in the washer and dryer, empty the dishwasher and sweep the floors. She is getting much better about cleaning up after herself, but we still have a long way to go considering she is a little tornado. Isla is a little mother. She likes to feed, change, cuddle her little baby dolls.

We are truly blessed with such an amazing child. Obviously there have been some of the greatest challenges of my life in the past two years, but the good far out weighs the bad that I can't really remember it. I mean we just went through a full week of her being in the best mood ever. She threw minimal tantrums, and I wasn't completely drained at the end of each day. She was just a fun, happy, sweet child, and I loved it! Now the day I am typing this was a harder day because she did fuss a lot and needed extra attention. I don't blame her though. We are all allowed an off day.

Isla Loves:

  • The Minions Movie (She's loved Finding Dory, Moana and Trolls in the past)
  • Babies either in human or doll form
  • French Fries. I regret the day we let her try one. 
  • Her family. She is constantly asking for members of our family throughout the week. Recently she has been asking for friends though.
  • Being chased, riding on Robby's shoulders, swinging, and jumping on the bed.
  • Puzzles, Painting, and Play Dough.
  • Bubbles

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